What to do When Your Credit Score Falls Under 700 Points.

You’ve finally got your credit score above a 700 and each month it seems to fluctuate for one reason or another. Don’t worry. This is an issue many consumers have. This guide will give you a few tips on how to increase your credit score above 700 in a week.

5 Things you can do This Week to get your Credit Score Back Above a 700.

1.       Add a trade line or become an authorized user. Piggyback on someone with excellent credit and payment history and get a boost when they add you as an authorized user to their credit card.

2.       Scan your credit report and look for any errors. If you need help with your credit score, use this link.

3.       Credit Builder Cards. Use this link for a secured credit card that will help boost your credit score quickly.

4.       Pay down your debts. Be sure that your credit card utilization is below 30% for each card.

5.       Experian Boost. Use Experian Boost to boost your score instantly.


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