5 Tips to Maximize Your Business's Success on Black Friday
John Wolfe John Wolfe

5 Tips to Maximize Your Business's Success on Black Friday

Black Friday is one of the biggest shopping events of the year, and it presents a golden opportunity for businesses to boost their sales and attract new customers. To make the most of this hectic shopping day, consider implementing these five essential tips for your business:

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How to file a 1099 for your contractor
John Wolfe John Wolfe

How to file a 1099 for your contractor

As a business owner, you may have paid independent contractors for their services. In order to properly deduct those payments from your income on the tax return, you must file a 1099 for that contractor with the IRS and send your contractor a copy.

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The Pitfalls of Being a New Business Owner
Business Coaching John Wolfe Business Coaching John Wolfe

The Pitfalls of Being a New Business Owner

Starting a new business is both exciting and challenging. You’re eager to start your journey but your worried to the mistakes that cause 1 in 5 businesses fail in the first year. The good thing is, you’re not alone in those feelings. While there is no fool proof plan in starting a business, there are certainly things that you can avoid, increasing the likelihood of your success. Here is a list of the most common mistakes that entrepreneurs make.

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The Best Places to Promote Your Business Online
John Wolfe John Wolfe

The Best Places to Promote Your Business Online

If you are not already marketing your business online, it is time to start doing so. Although there are a few exceptions, just about every business can benefit from online marketing. There are so many advantages to this type of marketing. First of all, marketing your business online is extremely affordable. Other advantages to marketing your business online include the ability to reach a large target audience,

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Personal Finance Tips for Millennials
John Wolfe John Wolfe

Personal Finance Tips for Millennials

If you’re in your early 30s and struggling to learn how to manage your money, here is a list of things you can do to put yourself on the right path. Financial freedom isn’t a mystical fairy tale that is unattainable. Financial freedom is the result of sacrifice and proper planning.

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How Small businesses can Save Money on Taxes
Personal Finance Guest User Personal Finance Guest User

How Small businesses can Save Money on Taxes

Did you know your business tax liability will be one of your biggest business expenses? It is important to make sure that you always know what your business tax liability is for the year and what your plan is to offset those expenses. This guide will give you 5 ways to lower your tax bill before the end of the year.

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How to help your Tax Accountant
Personal Finance Guest User Personal Finance Guest User

How to help your Tax Accountant

The point of hiring a tax professional or a bookkeeper is to save you time. If your bookkeeper has to come back and ask you a lot of questions because your books are a mess, you’re not really getting your full value. Here is a guide on how to help your bookkeeper help you.

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How to Avoid IRS Penalties
Guest User Guest User

How to Avoid IRS Penalties

Business income and payroll tax will be one of your biggest business expenses as an owner. This guide
will show you what the most common IRS Penalties there are and how to avoid them.

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What is Generational Wealth?
Personal Finance Guest User Personal Finance Guest User

What is Generational Wealth?

Generational wealth is money or assets that you accumulate and pass down to future generations. There are different ways to create and pass down generational wealth while you're alive, and you can also set up your estate to continue your legacy after you pass.

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