How to cut household expenses
Thinking of cutting costs around the house? Guess what, you can! Below there are several little-known ways to cut back on what you pay to keep your house up and running. Implement the following tips so you can drastically reduce household expenses without making huge lifestyle changes.
1.Make a budget and stick to It
You need to know exactly how much you are spending on typical household expenses so you can budget for the future. Make a plan to keep your income more than expenses.
2. Cook at home
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistic’s Consumer Expenditure Survey, the average American spends $288 a month on eating out [source]. That adds up to $3,456 a year.
3. Drink More Water
According to Food and Water Watch, “Bottled water costs from $0.89 per gallon to $8.26 per gallon, compared to fractions of a penny for water from your tap .That makes bottled water thousands of times more expensive than tap water.” And you do realize most bottled water comes from the tap, right?
4. Join Amazon’s “Subscribe & Save” program to get 15% off toiletries
Since you know you are going to need to buy this stuff again, enroll in Amazon’s Subscribe and Save program to set up regular deliveries and save 15% off the price. Amazon’s S&S lets you choose the delivery schedule (i.e., every other week, once a month, every three months), but you still receive 15% off no matter how far apart you schedule your deliveries.
5. Earn 2% Cash Back with the Right Credit Card
Another way to reduce household expenses is to make your credit card work for you. With the right credit card, you can get at least 2% cashback on all your purchases. That’s 2% you can use to pay for household essentials.