How to Price Your Services? – A Guide to Charging your Worth

How to Price Your Services? – A Guide to Charging your Worth

Don’t let that small but important fact get beyond you. Beauty industry professionals are something like medical professionals in that they go to school and acquire the necessary training to provide a service. Like doctors, most states require beauticians to have a license to work in a shop and provide certain services. Not only that, but cosmetology school, training, and certifications can be quite costly. It’s always important to re-invest into yourself and your skillset. Because you re-invest in yourself, you should charge accordingly for your services. Keeping tough competition in mind, it's important to know how to price your services. In this blog, I will not only provide you with some things to consider as well as provide sound advice on how to price your services. Read On.

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5 Ways Your Tax Preparer Can Help You Year-Round
accounting & bookkeeping, Tax Blogs John Wolfe accounting & bookkeeping, Tax Blogs John Wolfe

5 Ways Your Tax Preparer Can Help You Year-Round

Did you know that most tax-preparers offer more than just tax services? Yep, that guy that does your taxes also works in finance and can help your business year-round. Shameless plug aside, it's true. Tax filing season isn’t the only time you should be thinking about taxes, in fact, many tax-preparers double as accountants and can be helpful to you all year. Tax season has come to an end. Most are glad it's over, saying sayonara to their tax preparer, but it may be a good idea to keep them around. Many tax preparers work in crossover roles as an accountant, bookkeeper, or both. Having taxes prepared by a cousin who does the family’s taxes every year is great, but for business owners and high-income earners, it’s smart to work with someone year-round.

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10 Ways to Boost Productivity at Work
John Wolfe John Wolfe

10 Ways to Boost Productivity at Work

Being more productive at work isn't rocket science, but it does require being more intentional about how you manage your time. This post will walk you through 10 simple but effective strategies for increasing your productivity at work.

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Why Every Family Needs Financial Planning.
Personal Finance John Wolfe Personal Finance John Wolfe

Why Every Family Needs Financial Planning.

Every family should learn and practice good financial habits. Though it is not something many people learn in school, financial stability eases day-to-day struggles and can set your family up for future success. Financial health is almost as important as your actual health. Without it, it can be hard to take care of your family, do things you love, and let’s be honest, it’s stressful when your finances are not in order. Most American families are one emergency away from financial ruin.

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